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Barcode Scanner with Laser for Test Instruments with RS 232 Port

The barcode scanner with coil cable has been especially configured for the PROFITEST MASTER range of test instruments for, amongst other functions, identifying systems, electrical circuits and operating equipment.

  • Ergonomic and extremely rugged design
  • LED and acoustic signaling
  • Activated with the scan button
  • Barcodes can be read from considerable distances
  • Variable barcode length
  • Enhanced scanning accuracy
  • Green spot technology

Ascertained measurement values, report texts, defects lists and much more can be acquired and allocated.

The barcode scanner is configured for the following barcodes: EAN13, CODE 39 and CODE 128.

2D codes (and QR codes) as of serial number G15 (approx. August 2015).

See also our barcode / label printer, with which you can print water-resistant labels.
